Custard Tart Bramble Jelly & Bramble Sorbet
Sweet Pastry
200g Plain flour
125g Butter (unsalted)
50g Caster sugar
1 Egg
Pinch Salt
1. Rub the butter flour and the salt together until you have a bread crumb texture. Making sure that that you can still see some small lumps of butter at the end of the rubbing in process.
2. Crack the egg into a bowl and then add the sugar and lightly mix.
3. Add the egg and sugar mix to the flour and butter and then using the palm of your hand bring this mixture together to form a dough. Make sure you don’t over work the dough at this stage.
4. Next, flatten out the pastry to form a disk about 3cm thick.
5. Cling film the pastry and place into the fridge to rest.
6. Once rested roll out the pastry until its 2 or 3mm thick, next cut circles about 4cm wider that your pastry ring.
7. Carefully place the pastry over the ring, pushing down into the ring until the pastry is the shape of the ring.
8. You will find that you now have an overhang of pastry around the ring, you can bake the pastry with the overhanging pastry and trim once cooked. The advantage of this is you always get a finish that is nice and neat and to the top of the ring.
9. Once rolled place the lined rings into the fridge to rest.
10. Once rested take your pastry lined ring and cover with a round of parchment paper.
11. Next add baking beans on top of the paper, alternately you could use dried pulses or rice.
12. Once you have done this place into an oven at 180°C bake until the edges of the pastry starts to colour.
13. Remove from the oven and let settle for a few minutes, remove the baking beans and paper.
14. You will notice that the bottom of the pastry needs more cooking but first you what you need to do is take an egg and break it into a bowl and brush the pastry with the egg making sure you cover all the pastry. This method will provide a waterproof barrier ensuring the pastry stays crisp even once you have put in your filling.
15. Pop the pastry back into the oven and bake until the pastry is evenly cooked.
16. Once cooked you are now ready to pour in your custard mix and allow to set.
Custard Filling
280ml Double cream
100g Caster sugar
Pinch Cinnamon
Few drops Vanilla extract
3 Egg yolks
1. Place the cream, vanilla extract and a pinch of cinnamon into a thick bottomed pot and slowly heat up.
2. Whisk egg yolks and sugar together until the yolks lighten.
3. As the cream comes to the boil add the half the boiling cream to the egg yolk mix then pour this mixture into the rest of the cream and put back onto the stove.
4. You now have to be very careful, keep stirring the mix until it starts to thicken. You will notice it start to thicken it should resemble thin custard.
5. Once it coats the back of the spoon, pour the mixture into a large jug or bowl. This instantly stops the cooking.
6. Pour this mixture into your cooked tart cases.
Bramble Jelly
250ml / 1 ¾ cup Elderflower Presse
150g / 5 oz Brambles
4 x 11cm sheets / 4 1/3 inch Gelatine
1. The first job is to bloom the gelatine, do this by placing the gelatine into ice water to soften, use a bowl big enough that you can submerge the sheets whole do not break them up.
2. Next measure 50ml, elderflower presse into a small pot, bring to the boil.
3. Remove the gelatine from the ice water making sure you squeeze out the water, add the gelatine to the warm presse.
4. Stir the gelatine until melted, then add the remaining 200ml of presse.
5. Next fill your jelly mould with halfed brambles.
6. Carefully pour over the elderflower and gelatine mixture.
7. Place in the fridge until set.
Bramble Sorbet
300g Frozen Brambles
150g Natural yogurt
50g Heather honey
1. Place the brambles into the blender.
2. Blitz on full power for a few seconds until completely broke down. The fruit should be like a powder.
3. Next add the yogurt and the honey. Blitz until smooth.
4. Remove from the machine and pop into a tub, it might need an hour or so in the freezer before use, you can make this in advance and leave in the freezer but it will need to be put in the fridge to soften up for a couple of hours before use.

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